Life, Disability and Some Things in Between

  • Dishes
    I’ve been washing my own dishes for several years now. When I’m home, my parents do them because it’s easier; when I was in boarding school, we just had to put them away and they were cleaned for us. But ever since I live alone, I cook, eat and wash. Feels like an endless cycle.… Read more: Dishes
  • More New Doodles
    I’m still trying to figure out how to fit the blog into this new, way more hectic and unpredictable version of life – but the blue circle follows me wherever I go. I keep doodling one every night before I go to bed. Here’s a new batch, collecting some of the new additions (check out… Read more: More New Doodles
  • New Doodles
    This isn’t a regular post – I’m just popping in to say that I added more doodles to the (not so) new doodles page. They don’t all relate to disability, but they are about life, so I believe they deserve a place here as well. In case you want to only see the new doodles,… Read more: New Doodles


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