About DisBlueCircle

I’m Mor (Myrrh), I’m 20-something years old. In the last few years I’m a law student; through my entire life, I’m a person with a disability. I have Cerebral Palsy, and for a long time I didn’t think it was such a big deal. As I continue to grow up, I’m starting to realize how much it has influenced me, and in a way, turned me into who I am.
This blog is meant to share some of my funny, weird, strange and sometime sad experiences in dealing with life as a person with a disability. So why a circle? I wanted to keep the drawings as clean as possible, and not distract from the situation presented. Also, it really saves me the need to draw real body parts…

I also write “בערבון מוגבל” (Be’Eravon Mugbal – a wordplay in Hebrew, the blog language) on “Haaretz” Blogs.