Category: About Me

  • Tension

    Tension has always played a big role in my life. My muscle tension is higher than normal: it’s just part of having Cerebral Palsy. Every physical therapy or Pilates session eventually comes down to this – locating the tension and relaxing it, allowing more movement and freedom to my otherwise stiff right arm and leg.…

  • 1st Birthday!

    One year ago today, I published the first DisBlueCircle blog post. I couldn’t have guessed what’s about to come. I spent a long time thinking my disability is something quite private, and that my experience in the world and thoughts about it are not relevant to anyone else, much less interesting or worthy of sharing.…

  • Thanksgiving

    Fall is finally here, and so is the fall break. I wander the empty campus wearing a hat and carrying a warm cup of coffee. Thanksgiving reminds me that almost ten years ago, someone told me to be thankful for my disability. It sounds awful without the context, so I have to expand on that…

  • What if?

    I’m sure “What if?” isn’t a unique question. Everyone wonders from time to time what would’ve happened if they were to take that job, go on that trip, say yes or no to an opportunity. Or, another angle: I’m the result of all the previous choices I made, all of the previous “Me”s, who considered…

  • Crossroads

    I’ve wrote many posts, texts and messages about my long-standing hate of walking. The thing is, I also hate metaphorical walking. That is, the one where you end up in a crossroad, which is of course symbolic, actually standing for an important life decision. What way should I choose? Where should I go? So many…

  • Calm

    I’ve always been one stressed human being (and as of recently, I’m also a stressed blue circle!). Some of this stress really isn’t my fault: a part of my medical condition is that my muscles are way more tense than normal. However, I’m the first to admit that most of the tension is definitely the…

  • Why DisBlueCircle?

    Hi! Great meeting you. This is a stage I long thought I don’t even need. It started as a project for a seminar I was taking, and I hope it’ll grow into something else.I tried to find a simple, clean way to communicate disability and life situations surrounding it. Every post will include a drawing…