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I’ve been washing my own dishes for several years now. When I’m home, my parents do them because it’s easier; when I was in boarding school, we just had to put them away and they were cleaned for us. But ever since I live alone, I cook, eat and wash. Feels like an endless cycle.…

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More New Doodles

I’m still trying to figure out how to fit the blog into this new, way more hectic and unpredictable version of life – but the blue circle follows me wherever I go. I keep doodling one every night before I go to bed. Here’s a new batch, collecting some of the new additions (check out…

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New Doodles

This isn’t a regular post – I’m just popping in to say that I added more doodles to the (not so) new doodles page. They don’t all relate to disability, but they are about life, so I believe they deserve a place here as well. In case you want to only see the new doodles,…

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Take A Walk

Turns out its much easier to lose the ability to do things than to gain it. So to avoid this kind of loss, Mom and I take a walk.

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The longer I stay at my childhood home, the more details pop and need to be taken care of. I realized I needed another grabbing bar outside of my shower. Not that my shower didn’t have any to begin with: it was designed specifically to meet my needs… When I was six years old and…

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Tension has always played a big role in my life. My muscle tension is higher than normal: it’s just part of having Cerebral Palsy. Every physical therapy or Pilates session eventually comes down to this – locating the tension and relaxing it, allowing more movement and freedom to my otherwise stiff right arm and leg.…

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I love TV. It’s a somewhat one-way love: TV doesn’t always love me back, or at least it feels that way. Ever since I started my complicated and unexpected journey in university, finding TV characters with disabilities (then critic and analyze them, and present the result to anyone who’ll listen) became a weird habit of…

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Putting It Together

Every new year or new semester, I find myself trying to figure out my life again. How do I put everything together one more time? Do I do anything differently? What did I enjoy more or less, and what should get my attention? What can I leave behind? To be honest, I still don’t know…

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1st Birthday!

One year ago today, I published the first DisBlueCircle blog post. I couldn’t have guessed what’s about to come. I spent a long time thinking my disability is something quite private, and that my experience in the world and thoughts about it are not relevant to anyone else, much less interesting or worthy of sharing.…

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A Fine Line

Between this blog, two thesis ideas and actually living my life outside of the internet or university, I’ve been writing and talking a lot about my disability lately. The more I keep on that, the more I feel as if there’s a very fine line between all of it being just enough – and realizing…

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